Monday, May 28, 2012

Obama's Truth Team Being Brainwashed

COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama's campaign staff is attempting to invigorate the Truth Team by giving "proof" the president' s reported spending spree never happened, according to ABC News. The president's Truth Team is being directed to a Market Watch report that attempts to refute the facts about the spending spree and the team is asked to report any political attacks they hear. As a political consultant, the idea of the Truth Team does not sit well with me.

President Obama has come under fire for having a record spending spree. The Market Watch report is being supported by the president's campaign staff even though, as ABC Reports, the report has come under fire for being "severely flawed." The bigger picture at play is the pushing of the idea the president has not done anything wrong during his presidency, and that is extremely alarming.

The stated goal

of President Obama's Truth Team is that it is a grass-roots attempt to counter any incorrect negative adds about the president. By requesting people report any attacks on the president is the first clue as to what is going on. The second clue is the use of the Market Watch report, while the third clue is the use of the Attack Watch website that battles every major attack against the president with spun or one-sided reporting. The Truth Team is actually being fashioned into nothing more than a propaganda team to be brainwashed into believing that the president can do no wrong.

The ideal any political record is perfect is dangerously flawed as nobody can make the correct decision every time. If the president's campaign staff is allowed to press this ideal of the omnipotence of the president with the Truth Team unabated, President Obama will have a base of brainwashed supporters who will never understand that there is another side to every political coin.

This disservice to the American political system could be one of the greatest mistakes of his term and could nurture a generation of voters who are less bipartisan as ever before. This is a move toward the separation of the country by the president who promised bipartisanship during his time in office.


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