Monday, May 21, 2012

Protesters arrested at DA's office in wake of Blomberg case

By Brian Rogers
Updated 11:06 p.m., Friday, May 18, 2012

Houston Chronicle:

Activist attorney Maria Elena Castellanos, center, looks up on Friday as police enter to arrest her, Kofi Taharka, right, and Krystal Muhammad on charges of criminal trespass in Harris County District Attorney Pat Lykos' office. Photo: Johnny Hanson / © 2012 Houston Chronicle

Anger and outrage over the acquittal of a former Houston police officer rocked the Harris County District Attorney's Office Friday as a dozen activists protested at her office and three blocked the public entrance until they were arrested.

"You're a racist!" one of the activists shouted several times at District Attorney Pat Lykos as she came in to the lobby through a different door to tell the protesters that she would not allow anyone to "occupy" the lobby or capitulate to threats.

The not guilty verdict this week has sparked heated criticism in the black community with many leaders saying the decision by the all-white jury to acquit Andrew Blomberg, who is white, was racist. Blomberg was accused of stomping on 15-year-old Chad Holley, who is black, during a 2010 arrest and beating that was videotaped.

In the lobby Friday, Lykos told the group she was not intimidated by the protests, and would meet with them if they go through the proper channels.

"If people here truly want to have a meeting, then go over there to the window and schedule it," Lykos told the group, who refused to move. "I will not meet with anyone who occupies our lobby, who impedes the administration of justice, who uses profane language with our employees, so I am asking you to leave now."

After a morning of blocking the door, three protesters were arrested by the Precinct 1 constable's deputies who control security in the courthouse and charged with criminal trespass.

The squabble was more about rage and indignation than a meeting.

"The people are sick and tired," said Minister Robert Muhammad. He said the people he speaks for believe there is no justice. "People are suffering, they're hurt and the system that's in place is causing them more hurt and more harm."

DA met with ministers

Lykos met with several community leaders, including Muhammad, and local ministers James Dixon, James Nash and community activist Quanell X.

Muhammad said Lykos listened to their concerns, but is not making any changes.

"She didn't agree with us on anything," Muhammad said. He said Lykos explained the process, but did not agree to change anything. "Pat Lykos was hardcore," he said.

Lykos and the prosecutors who went to trial have been harshly criticized because no blacks were on the six-person jury that heard Blomberg's misdemeanor case of official oppression.

Because of intense media coverage, prospective jurors were questioned individually over the course of a week. Blomberg's defense team struck the only two blacks in the pool of 19.

In the district attorney's lobby Friday, former city councilwoman Jolanda Jones and members of the New Black United Front and the New Black Panther Party criticized the office and the jury selection and said they wanted to discuss it with Lykos. They were angry because they weren't allowed in the meeting after it started. Lykos said they were not invited and were not welcome.

Jones and Muhammad said the group should have been allowed into the meeting when they finally arrived and would have if they had been on time. Lykos disputed the point and said the protesters were not welcome.

"It could have been avoided," Muhammad said of the arrests and protest. "It could've been avoided if there were proper charges against the police. It could've been avoided if we didn't turn a blind eye and deaf ear to police brutality."

After the meeting with the ministers, Lykos issued a statement saying, "Although we disagreed on much, we agreed to keep the door open for additional discussions. People must have trust and confidence in the legal system."

3 placed under arrest

Before NBUF chairman Kofi Taharka, Krystal Muhammad of the New Black Panther Party of Houston and attorney Maria Elena Castellanos were arrested, the three laid down on the floor with their hands behind their heads, mirroring Holley's position during the beating by HPD officers. Holley fell as he fled from police after a burglary and rolled on to his stomach with his hands on his head as officers caught up to him peppering him with punches, kicks and stomps. Holley was later convicted of the crime and spent two years on probation.

Blomberg, who can be seen raising his foot over the teen's head, said he was using his boot to move the teen's arm. Prosecutors argued unsuccessfully in a trial that spanned three weeks that he stomped Holley's head or neck.

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