Thursday, May 10, 2012

While MSM Proclaims Its Death, The Tea Party Builds an Army

by Jenny Beth Martin
May 10th, 2012

Breitbart News:

The Tea Party has spent the past several months methodically building, training, and developing its army without much flashy media attention. The lack of media coverage has led a few people to ask if the Tea Party is still alive. After his defeat at the hands of the Tea Party, soon-to-be former Senator Dick Lugar can tell you, the Tea Party is not only alive but they are also organized to fight, and win.

Lugar, a well-entrenched member of the Republican establishment, betrayed Tea Party values by casting too many fiscally liberal and self-serving votes, and too few fiscally responsible ones. In fact, over Lugar's thirty-six year tenure in the Senate, the national debt increased $14.9 trillion! The Tea Party responded to his derilection of duty by mobilizing grassroots and working intelligently and vigorously to replace him with someone who will, hopefully, provide more fiscally conservative representation in the Senate.

The role of the Tea Party in opposing Lugar was downplayed by the media and the Ruling Class. Many Americans probably had no idea what was happening. But almost immediately following his defeat on Tuesday the media is buzzing about the resurgence of the movement. The establishment should be abuzz as well. It comes as no surprise to Tea Party Patriots that the media either misses or ignores the real story, which is that the Tea Party never faded. In fact, it has been quietly growing in strength.

The next big battle ground in which the Tea Party will exercise its more refined skills is the June 5 recall election in Wisconsin. Tea Party Patriots, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party umbrella group, already has advance teams laying the groundwork for a massive influx of reinforcements to support Tea Party principles in Wisconsin.

By next week, buses will begin bringing Tea Party Patriots volunteers from all across America to start canvassing Wisconsin and motivating the voters to support fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets. It remains to be seen if the Ruling Class--i.e. the glad-handing, back-slapping, good ol' boys and girls in both parties and their complicit cohorts in the mainstream media--will be able to see past their own bigoted prejudices enough to pay attention.

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