Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dueling Constitutions: US Individual Rights or UN Human Rights?

When the difference between Communism and Capitalism is who holds the deed, details matter. Individual rights and human rights are ideologies that hold similar comparisons. Human rights and Communism work hand-in-hand where society is managed. On the other hand, Capitalism works with a representative government in protecting individual rights. We should seek an America that gets back to a Constitutional Republic.

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is the antithesis to the United States Constitution. For over 60 years, these two documents have be sublimated into our culture causing cognitive dissonance…conflicting ideologies. Most advocates of a Constitutional Republic are labeled as anarchists but quite the contrary. Constitutional republic advocates seek a small but strong government to protect individual rights from the mob, such as corporations, community organizations or even unions.

With Human Rights, governments act as a separate entity and determine human rights. They develop processes for implementation, then alter and control the environment (not weather) to provide, monitor and protect human rights. These process create communal responsibility and stymies growth and innovation while allowing the politically connected to manipulate the masses.

The impact American Exceptionalism has had on mankind cannot be disputed. This is because a representative government protects individual rights. People pursue their own ideas, innovations and invention without the approval of the politically connected (known as capitalism & free trade). Henry Ford would not have revolutionized the automobile industry, Steve Jobs the computer industry or Thomas Edison if they needed approval of bureaucrats. If George Washington, Martin Luther King or Susan B. Anthony needed the approval of government, Americans, blacks and women would not enjoy the rights they exercise today.

Local governments follow laws and grant qualifications passed to them from other entities. Predetermined agendas are pushed by bureaucrats and trained facilitators who lead the masses to pursue a consensus. When that solution is not met, the agenda is tabled for another day. Stakeholders are solicited even though they do not have any collateral at stake. Once implemented, these plans and ordinances are impossible to change. Stakeholders advocate and connive to protect their self-interest, pitting neighbor against each other. With Human Rights, it justifies racism, sexism or just discrimination as the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

Advocates who pursue “separation of Church and State” or secular religion are advocating for United Nations Declaration of Human Rights true democracy where freedom of worship is pursued.

When you hear a Constitutional Republic advocate, they wish you to make the decisions necessary to help yourself, your family and your community. You will not need the consensus of the community to farm your land, to build a factory or apartment complex or run your local business in servicing the community.

Next time you hear Human Rights, they are telling you that they wish to lead you in a world where predetermined solutions are made. They seek communal decisions and a society managed from the top-down.

It’s a shame that our elected officials hardly use Individual Rights and the U.S. Constitution. No wonder the teaching of our Constitution in our schools have been removed and labeled as religious.

It is nothing about religion. It’s about freedom!

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