Sunday, June 3, 2012

Marines honor, stand guard over dying boy


God works in ways we will never fathom.

Sometimes He calls home the most innocent, while the most vile are untouched.

This is one of those stories that just wrench your heart: a little boy who fought the good fight and loved the Marines. And the Marines reached out, and loved him back. Details are at the bottom.

As a former Army paratrooper, Ranger, Pathfinder, and combat infantry commander, I continue my lifelong admiration for the United States Marines. There is something in their esprit de corps the Army can only achieve in local unit bursts.

They are a national treasure, and I thank God they’re on our side.

“If the Army or the Navy ever get to Heaven’s scene, they will find those valiant Leathernecks, standing guard on Cody Green.”


Cody Green was a 12-year-old kid in Indiana who was diagnosed with leukemia at 22 months old. He loved the Marines, and his parents said he drew strength and courage from the Marine Corps as he bravely fought the battle into remission three times.

Although he was cancer-free at the time, the chemotherapy had lowered his immune system, and he developed a fungus infection that attacked his brain.

As he struggled to fend off that infection in the hospital, the Marines wanted to show how much they respected his will to live, his strength, honor and courage. They presented Cody with United States Marine Corps Navigator’s wings and named him an honorary member of the Marine Corps.

For one Marine, that wasn’t enough … so that night, before Cody Green passed away, [the Marine] took it upon himself to stand guard at Cody’s hospital door all night long, eight hours straight.

Nowhere on the face of this planet is there a country so blessed as we to have men and women such as this. I wish I could personally tell that Marine how proud he makes me to be an American. God … I do so love this country.

Watch a televised news story about Green, including an interview with the Marine guardian from WFMY-TV, Greensboro, N.C.

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