Sunday, July 29, 2012

An Open Letter to Bill Press: Regarding your proposal for a bloody civil war, just how many millions of us do you want dead?

Bill Press: He may have been drunk when he wrote the column below, but I don't think he can plead diminished capacity when he is convicted for violating the Law of Unintended Consequences.
"Bill Press: Praise the Lord -- and stockpile the ammunition."
My email reply:
-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776
Sent: Sat, Jul 28, 2012 11:36 am
Subject: RE: Your proposal for a bloody civil war over firearms. How many millions of us do you want dead?

"Don't get me wrong. I believe in the Second Amendment. And, as a Scalia originalist, I believe we should take it literally. Let's bring back, in every state, as the Constitution so clearly calls for, a "well-regulated militia." Let's require its gun-toting members to carry and clean their own single-shot muskets, to wear the militia uniform, and to go out and drill once a month with fellow minutemen. But let all other guns be banned. . . There is no need for anyone, outside the military, to own an assault weapon. There is no need for anyone, outside of law enforcement, to have a handgun." -- Bill Press.

Dear Mr. Press,
I note with interest your proposals for the forcible disarmament of the American citizenry laid out in your recent column, "Praise the Lord -- and stockpile the ammunition." ( )
I was just wondering how many millions of bodies of your fellow citizens are you willing to stack up to achieve that end? Will a million be enough? Three million? Five? Twenty? For surely you must recognize that there are people in this country who are willing to die for the Founders' principles of liberty and right to property. These are God-given and inalienable and do not depend upon any Constitution, law, politician's whim, and certainly not on your preference. More disconcertingly for you and your tyrannical, confiscationist ilk, people who are willing to die for their principles are most often willing to kill in defense of them as well, usually by a much larger ratio than one to one. So I ask you again, how many millions of us are you willing to kill, you bloodthirsty bastard, and how many of your side are you willing to see dead in your cause as well? Is it worth my life to you? The lives of all my family? Is it worth your life? Starting to have doubts?
Do not extrapolate from your own cowardice. Just because you would obey any government diktat that threatened you with prison or death doesn't mean others will. You may think us wrong, or even insane, but you cannot deny we exist in the millions, us "bitter clingers." So face the issue squarely and tell us now -- before the government begins shooting us in your proposed bloody civil war -- how many millions of dead Americans are you willing to see in order to get your way?
Otherwise, quit smoking what you're shoveling and shut up about disarming the rest of us. It can't be done without an exercise in tyranny that would make the Holocaust look like a picnic. For unlike Hitler's victims, we are armed, trained in the use of those arms, and intend to stay that way.
But, by all means, if you are willing to name a number and have the courage of your convictions, be sure and come yourself when the Feds raid the first house.

Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126

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