Wednesday, August 22, 2012

30 Point Case Against Obama’s Administration

You are about to witness a 30 point case against Barack Obama’s administration.

This is not about:
*Birth certificates
*College transcripts
*Closet Muslim theories
*Reverend Wright

This is about 30 hard hitting points every voter must know about the Obama administration.

It’s written to be:

1.Easy to communicate to others.
2.Easy to follow.
3.Easy to find sources that back up assertions.

Below is a brief summary of the 30 points.
(Full explanations are after the summary.)

1. Arming Drug Cartels
2. Border Agent Murdered
3. Ignoring Voter Intimidation
4. 36+ Months 8%+ Unemployment
5. 4 Years Trillion + Deficits
6. Religious Discrimination
7. Failed Stimulus
8. ObamaCare Racial Prejudices
9. Unelected Czar Esteems Tyrant Mao
10. Unions Direct $5 Billion Education Funds
11. Obamacare Tax Lie
12. Racial Education Preferences
13. Hindering Religious Freedom
14. Hypocrisy On Speech Degrading Women
15. Enabling Mexican Violence
16. Obama SCOTUS Judge Pro-gun-grab
17. Stimulus Employing Koreans
18. Tax Funded Job Outsourcing
19. Degrading Entrepreneurs & Innovators
20. Firing Whistleblower
21. Shovel Ready Jobs Deception
22. Debt/Deficit Hypocrisy
23. Ignores Liberal Hate Speech
24. Race Driven DOJ
25. Prejudiced SCOTUS Nominee
26. Cabinet Level Tax Avoidance
27. Bribing Farmers For Votes
28. $25 Billion Lost In Auto Bailout
29. Encouraged Stimulus Money To Unions
30. Using Religion To Promote Bailouts

30 point case against the Obama administration HERE>>

Hat Tip:

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