Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Conservative Bloggers Can Help Romney And Ryan Win In November

By LD Jackson
August 14th, 2012

Political Realities:

I want to discuss something this morning that I believe could have a great influence on the elections coming up in November. Many of the regular commenters on Political Realities are conservative bloggers. We share comments back and forth to help each other out, but also because we are interested in what other bloggers are writing about. In light of that, I have an email list that receives Political Realities in their inbox and many of them are not bloggers. They never leave a comment, which is also the case for the majority of readers who find this blog via a search engine. What is important is that they read what we have to say.
My point is simple. Conservative bloggers have sometimes been called the new media. We often tell stories that the mainstream media refuse to cover. Some of the more prominent conservative bloggers have actually broken stories on their own. If effect, that debunks the theory that conservative bloggers are not real reporters. Some of them, at least, are real reporters. They are reporting on real stories.

In my case, I am unable to travel and go to political events across the country. Oklahoma sees very few national political events. Because we are reliably in the GOP corner (John McCain won all 77 counties in 2008 and I suspect Mitt Romney will do the same), we may see very little of the candidates during the upcoming campaign. I believe we can rest assured I’ll not be breaking any national political news any time soon. Having said that, there is a role I can play. I believe it is an important role.

The main complaint I hear about the mainstream media is how liberally biased they are. It seems the news deck is stacked against conservatives and it is hard to get the truth out for the general public to read, watch, and absorb. We have seen this in the past, as the liberal media and their blogging counterparts have spread news and information that is less than the truth. They are up to their same old tricks with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

This campaign of misinformation actually started before Paul Ryan was announced as Mitt Romney’s running mate. When he was bold enough to put forth a solution to our fiscal problems, he was castigated in the media. To hear them tell it, Granny was about to be killed. They don’t bother to tell the truth. They conveniently forget to mention how Obamacare guts Medicare, without providing a solution to that gutting. At least Paul Ryan’s plan puts forth a solution tries to restore solvency to the program. But, you’ll not be hearing that in the media. It’s up to conservative bloggers to get the word out, to tell the truth about Paul Ryan’s budget plan that has been so maligned by President Obama and his liberal friends.

I am not privy to the statistics other blogs. I have no idea how many readers any of you have on a given day. Most of you have far more than does Political Realities, I am sure. One thing to remember is this. I have readers who do not read your blogs and I am sure the reverse is true. That is how we spread the word to more and more people. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are fighting an uphill battle against the Democrats and their friends in the liberal media. There are plenty of liberal bloggers to go around and they have no compunction about making their voices heard. To wit, it is the duty and the right of conservative bloggers to help defeat Barack Obama in November.

Let’s get out there and tell the truth about the different visions each campaign has for America. The comparisons and contrasts are easy enough to draw. There is plenty of material for us to use. There is no reason conservative bloggers everywhere, from Oklahoma to New Hampshire, from Pennsylvania to California, from South Dakota to Venezuela, and all points in between, can not get the truth out about the slogan hope and change really belongs in the camp of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

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