Thursday, August 30, 2012

ILLEGAL DONOR SHOCKER: Woman Who Received Gessler Voter Registration Letter Illegally Donated To Democrats

by: ColoradoPeakPolitics
Wed Aug 29, 2012 at 11:16 26 MST

In an AP article today by Ivan Moreno about the letters Secretary of State Scott Gessler sent to potentially illegal voters in Colorado, asking them to prove they were legal to vote or voluntarily remove themselves from the voter rolls, a one Veronica Figoli is quoted as being upset by the letter.

From the AP:

“I was viscerally upset. You know like how when you feel in your stomach like you just got punched?” Veronica Figoli said about opening the letter. The Denver resident originally from Caracas, Venezuela, said she became a U.S. citizen in September 2011.

If Veronica became a citizen in September 2011, what was she doing donating to Colorado Democrats for the year preceding that? Wouldn't that be illegal? According to Article XXVIII of the state’s constitution:
No candidate committee, political committee, small donor committee, or political party shall knowingly accept contributions from: (a) Any natural person who is not a citizen of the United States; (b) A foreign government; or (c) Any foreign corporation that does not have the authority to transact business in this state pursuant to article 115 of title 7, C.R.S., or any successor section.

A quick check of donation records in Colorado turns up at least four donations made before she was a legal citizen. Her voter registration is under the name Veronica Fleischer.

According to Veronica's Facebook page and LinkedIn profile, she works at the Piton Foundation.

You know who the primary funder of the Piton Foundation is, according to Ed News Colorado? The Gary Williams Company, who was the primary financial backer of the $3 billion tax hike ballot initiative known as Prop 103 last year.

Let's get this straight -- a woman who illegally donated money to Colorado Democrats before becoming a legal citizen is angry about receiving a letter asking her to prove she is legally registered to vote because she registered with a non-citizen document?

When liberals put up someone to complain about Gessler's attempts to clean up the voter rolls, maybe they shouldn't push a person who has already violated election laws?

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