Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Michigan Communist ACLU chapter wants citizenship check box off voter registration forms

Published: Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 6:09 AM


It’s a curious thing. The ACLU is famous for hauling folks into court to battle this issue or that. The Michigan chapter, for example, is battling the state over the fact that kids can’t read.

It's also in court trying to restore health care benefits for same sex partners, and it is not happy with the GOP Secretary of State over the so-called U.S. Citizenship check box on voter registration forms.

Yet on that one, the group’s CEO says it’s unlikely they will summon Ruth Johnson before a judge.

Instead, in what amounts to a waste of breath, the ACLU is trying to convince the sometimes head-strong Ms. Johnson that she should do this voluntarily.

Kary Moss on Off the Record: “The best thing for her to do is to remove the check box…She should do what she can do to maximize voting participation.”

Thanks but no thanks Secretary Johnson has said. She argues the federal government needs to step in to weed out non-citizens who vote and until that happens, the box stays.

This is even more curious in that the liberal-leaning ACLU finds itself in agreement with the not so liberal-leaning governor.

Gov. Rick Snyder vetoed a bill seeking to legalize the citizenship question predicting that confusion would result if he signed it. He was right.

There was confusion during the Aug. 7 primary. But soon after he put his veto-pen away, Ms. Johnson ignored her governor and declared the box would be around in November's election.

Republicans are losing sleep over the possibility that some illegals might vote for Barack Obama so they play the voter fraud card - to which Ms. Moss counters, “There’s been no proof of fraud” and she suggests the only reason the R’s play the card is to “decrease the ability of people to vote.”

While Moss won’t sue, other groups are fixin’ to do just that.

Tim Skubick is host of "Off the Record" on WKAR-TV in East Lansing. Watch the show anytime at video.wkar.org.

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