Monday, August 27, 2012

"My Brother's Keeper"? Obama's impoverished brother 'ashamed' of name

by: Benny Johnson
Friday, August 24, 2012
The Blaze

( In an exclusive interview with the Blaze, author Dinesh D’souza ("Obama’s America: Unmaking The American Dream”) spoke about the shame felt by the president’s impoverished relatives and how hypocritical the tense situation is for the left.

D‘souza made national attention this summer for bringing the plight of the president’s brother to light. George Obama lives in a tiny shack in a Nairobi slum and gets by on just a few dollars a month. ... D’souza juxtaposes the abject poverty and condition of a number of Obama’s direct relatives, including his aunt that sells coal on the street in Kenya, with Obama’s life. And it’s humiliating.

In fact, George “does not even use the name Obama,” the author alarmingly notes. George said to him, “I’m ashamed, because the moment people find out my name they want to know ‘Well aren’t you related to Barrack Obama? How come you are living in the slum?’ And of course there is no answer.”

Hat tip: Press Patrol

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