Monday, August 20, 2012

Obama's Unholy Trinity: Hate, Lies And Decay

Posted on Monday August 20, 04:12:47
by Armaggedon

Free Republic:
The Obama campaign is founded upon the unholy spirits of hate, lies and decay. America must cast the Obama infection out of it's heart before our substance is all spent. America under Obama is diminishing under every blow administered by this Islamo-Marxist-Chicago Gangster.

The sordid nature of the Liar In Chief, Obama, has been sealed and hidden away. This unknown, sordid individual connived himself into the seat of power and he uses hate and lies to deceive America again. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into a campaign of evil illusion. The image of the beast of human nature at it's worst is being regenerated to deceive the electorate. If this wolf succeeds in dressing up as a sheep and retains office, he will devour America.

Stand in the holy place of Love, Truth and Life, where the hate, lies and decay of Obama cannot go. Let the light shine and let us declare America a free nation under God.

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