Monday, August 20, 2012

Say, do you remember when we didn't need Keystone XL because we were awash in crude oil?

Friday, August 17, 2012
Doug Ross

Director Blue:

Keystone XL? What's that?

News out this afternoon is that Obama is looking into opening the Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a means to relieve pressure at the gas pump. Someone at the White House woke up and realized that the welcome springtime fall in gasoline prices has reversed course and retraced its steps, as shown [below]. I can tell you that out here on the Left Coast, the price of premium gasoline has reached $4.99 a gallon at my nearest station, but then California deserves it. (The recent refinery fire at Richmond, which will reduce capacity for a few weeks, clearly doesn’t help.)

But this isn’t the only chart that should be giving night sweats to Team Obama right now. We and others have pointed repeatedly to the infamous “Stimulus” chart, to which we add today’s news...

...that the unemployment rate rose in 44 of the 50 states last month.

Why is the United States the only country on Earth that restricts access to its own vast reserves of energy?

I'll give you a hint: it starts with the letter D and ends with the letters e-m-o-c-r-a-t-s. Which is why these kooks need to be voted out in November. At every level of government, including -- but not limited to -- dog-catcher.

Headline hat tip: Power Line commenter Mike Tanis.

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