Wednesday, August 29, 2012

'We're seeing the beginning of Soviet-style repression here in the U.S.'

August 29 2012

(MichaelSavage.Com) Savage was outraged when he learned that Marine veteran Brandon J. Raub had been detained for psychiatric evaluation after posting anti-Obama messages on his Facebook page.

“Are we living in the USA or in the USSR?” Savage wondered, warning that these sorts of arrests were commonplace in the former Soviet Union.

“Ask any Russian who lived in the Soviet Union,” he continued, “and you’ll find that President Obama is doing exactly what occurred in the early days of Stalinism.”

Those people lived behind an iron curtain. Everything they knew, all the information they received about the world, came to them from the government.

The average Soviet had no idea what kind of lives people were leading outside the USSR. They didn’t even know there were tomatoes in Western grocery stores; such “luxuries” weren’t available to them.

They were living with very little but were told they were living with a lot, and their lives were wonderful thanks to socialism.

Soviet people had no idea what reality actually was.

Meanwhile, here in America through the late 1950s, liberal newspapers ignored and buried stories about work camps and prison camps in the USSR.

The truth is, more than 20 million people who were accused of opposing centralized government were worked to death or executed in the Soviet Union.

Now we are seeing the beginning of this in the United States of America.

If the U.S. government can snatch a Marine off the streets simply for posting anti-government feelings on Facebook, then we’re living in the old Soviet Union.

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