Monday, September 17, 2012

Al-Qaeda’s American Spokesman Says Obama’s Islamic Outreach A “Bald-Faced Lie”…

Al-Qaida’s American-born spokesman Adam Gadahn has a message for President Obama; his outreach to Muslims has failed and that he is liar if he says America is not at war with Islam.

President Obama famously stood at Egypt’s Al-Azar University in June 2009 and told Muslims that there should be a “new beginning between the United States and Muslims” and that there should be a “spirit of tolerance and compromise.”

But Gadahn, the only American indicted for treason in the past 50 years, had words of warning for the President in a video released by al-Qaida this past week – recognize its strict interpretation of sharia (Islamic law).

“It is clear that Obama is trying to pull our leg here,” Gadahn, aka ‘Azzām al-Amrīki, said in the video addressing Obama’s comments in the same speech that America is not and never will be at war with Islam. “Even if we say that America isn’t at war with Islam, does it mean that Muslims shouldn’t be fighting America? No.

“In Islam I am not required to ask you, ‘Are you attacking me because of my religion or because you want my oil wealth?”

The President spent a good part of his Cairo speech encouraging Muslims to adopt or accept secular values, which the Islamic fundamentalists such as those in al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood reject as being antithetical to Islam.

He talked at length about the tolerance and learning that flourished in Spain, Iraq and elsewhere during the Middle Ages. However, his speech failed miserably to understand the fact these advances happened during periods of the ascendancy of a more mystical and intellectual Islamic sect known as the Sufis whom al-Qaida and its fundamentalist allies have striven to wipe out.

America and the Obama administration in particular has refused to accept Islam as a political and as a ruling system, evidenced by the President’s criticism of forcing women to cover themselves and his calls for women’s equality in his speech.

“To Islam, sharia is the essence of Islam,” Gadahn said. “So how can we say America is not at war with Islam?
“I think that to say that America is not at war with Islam is a bald-faced lie.”

In order for Obama to meet Gadahn’s criteria, the President would need to accept things such as:

•Allowing husbands to beat their disobedient wives ,

•Stoning adulterers and homosexuals

•and the killing of those who leave Islam among other things commanded under a strict interpretation of sharia.

Gadahn similarly condemned Obama for ordering drone strikes that killed terrorist mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki despite the fact he was an American citizen.

“I think America and Barack Obama in particular have shown their true colors for all to see,” Gadahn said. “This is a wakeup call for Muslims in America. Today American Muslims are being killed in Yemen and tomorrow they are going to be killed in New York and Los Angeles.

“Get ready for the holocaust.”

By John Rossomando /// September 15, 2012
Source: Red Alert Politics

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