Sunday, September 16, 2012

California plots with Hollywood to pitch Obamacare reality show, ‘weave’ law into prime time

Saturday, September 15

Supporters pushing for the passage of Obamacare just knew you’d love it once you found out what was in it. Recent polls show a majority of Americans still favor its repeal, which, to the Left, can mean only one thing: you still don’t know what’s in it. Perhaps if Hollywood’s elite would put on a show, you’d stop being so stubborn and learn to love socialized medicine.

A New York Times article today looks at the challenge California faces in setting up insurance exchanges, and the state isn’t overlooking one of its most unique resources. Public relations firm Ogilvy, which has an initial $900,000 contract with the state to sell people on Obamacare, is hoping the entertainment industry will pitch in.

Plans are being discussed to pitch a reality television show about “the trials and tribulations of families living without medical coverage,” according to the Ogilvy plan. The exchange will also seek to have prime-time television shows, like “Modern Family,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and Univision telenovelas, weave the health care law into their plots.

“I’d like to see 10 of the major TV shows, or telenovelas, have people talking about ‘that health insurance thing,’ ” said Peter V. Lee, the exchange’s executive director. “There are good story lines here.”

Never mind your own personal Obamacare story; these “composite” families will set you straight with a dose of re-educational television.


Hat Tip:

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