Monday, September 24, 2012

SAVAGE: 'Don't believe the big lie of the latest Gallup polls'

September 24, 2012

( - Savage looked back to the notoriously inaccurate 1980 polls that predicted a solid victory for Jimmy Carter and explained exactly why, time after time, such polls fail to reflect what American voters are really thinking.

He reminded listeners that Gallup had Carter up four points against Reagan in September 1980, then added:

For those of you who are starting to believe the big lie of Gallup (which is a poll that exists only for the Democrat machine), for those of you who are losing heart because of the liars in the media, let me reassure you.

Think about that 1980 Gallup poll, which was just unearthed by Gateway Pundit blogger Jim Hoft. It had Carter up over Reagan in mid-September, but it gets even more instructive.

Later, according to Gallup, Carter was up over Reagan by eight points that October!

Then in the final Gallup poll before the election, it showed that Ronald Reagan only had 47% of the vote.

Doesn’t that sound familiar? Ironically it’s the same figure – “47 percent” – that the media is now using to spread lies about Romney.

Let’s look back at what happened during the actual 1980 election. Reagan won by 50.8 percent of the vote.

So listen: Reagan ended up winning by nine points and taking 44 states.

The reason these polls are all wrong is because conservatives usually hang up on people who call them with a poll question, or they’re never called at all, or the pollsters load up the survey sample with Democrats and illegal aliens.

The important thing to remember is: You have to vote and you have to get other people out to vote. Period.

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