Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SAVAGE: 'The vacuum of American power in the world is at an all-time high'

September 25 2012

Before the show, Savage and his son watched the Space Shuttle fly over San Francisco on its final voyage.

He mourned the destruction of NASA on Barack Obama’s watch and explained that it was just one more signal to the world that America is growing weaker by the day.

“Today a piece of history flew by the San Francisco Bay Area and I was lucky enough to see it,” Savage told listeners, going on to explain:

I stood there with my son and we watched the last flight of the shuttle Endeavor atop a NASA 747.

What struck me is that Obama destroyed NASA with the stroke of a pen without any debate in Congress.

This lone communist from Chicago destroyed the most advanced exploratory institute in the United States of America. Americans don’t even understand what this man has done to this country.

At the same time that he destroyed NASA, he sent his front man Leon Panetta to China, who begged the People’s Liberation Army not to worry, that the “Obama Doctrine” is “hands off China.”

When I was a kid in high school, I had to learn what the Monroe Doctrine was. I didn’t like history very much, but I remember I had to memorize the Monroe Doctrine. It was named for the president who said to Europe, “Hands off the Western Hemisphere, it’s ours. We’re strong. We’re powerful. We’re America. We will repel you.”

Now there’s an Obama Doctrine: “Hands off the communist world. Hands off the Islamist world. Or live and let die.”

The vacuum of U.S. power in the world today is at an all-time high. Not since we were a small colony have we been this weak.

Whether you know it or not, the attacks on 9/11 in Libya and Egypt were carefully planned by the Islamists who were helped into power by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and George Soros’s money.

It’s astounding how Obama gets away with this and how it falls upon a few voices in the wilderness like mine to remind America what has happened to this country under this con man.

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