Monday, October 15, 2012

Climate Change Propaganda Breeds Addiction

October 13, 2012
by Cheryl Pass

Freedom Outpost

The psychology of propaganda is very clever. Think about what makes you want to do something or buy something. And think about the psychology of people who want to make themselves feel good about something. What makes a person feel good? And if doing that something is running around telling everyone to buy a smaller house on a smaller lot, get out of their cars, or cut their heat down, what made them feel good about that? If someone feels good about the 1.5 gallon toilet they own that needs flushing 2 or 3 times, do they can go about their daily lives with their ego on cloud nine? Or if they think they are saving the planet by using the inferior light from a CFL… all the better, right? And if someone feels really, really good and superior to other human beings for doing such things, is that addictive?

What causes addiction? Usually it is something that a person does that makes him or her feel, at least temporarily, totally wonderful! (Sex addiction, alcohol addiction, drug addictions, etc.) So how do you get an entire population of scientific numbskulls addicted to a flawed science that will make them do whatever you want them to do? Propaganda. Indoctrination. Money. Behavioral manipulation. Positive or punitive responses. (Pavlov’s dog)

Just in case you think our nation is not under a psychological attack, I want to suggest you take a look at the American Psychological Association. Yes, that’s right. The American Psychological Association has signed onto a concerted effort to convince the American public of the dire importance of “Climate Change.”

A task force has been set up by the nation’s psychologists, under the President’s direction, to address how to convince the population of the importance of compliance with “Climate Change” doctrine. From the APA announcement of this:

“The task force’s report reviews a wide range of research and practice relevant to climate change, including work in environmental and conservation psychology, studies of human responses to natural and technological disasters, efforts to encourage environmentally responsible behavior, and research on the psychosocial impacts of climate change.”

Among the topics addressed in the report are:

Perceptions of global warming and climate change risks, including people’s tendency to discount the likelihood of future and remote events and the role of culture in how people conceive of and respond to risks.

Human behavioral contributions to climate change, such as population growth, energy use, and consumption, and the psychological and contextual drivers of these contributions.

Psychosocial and mental health impacts of actual and perceived climate change, including stress, anxiety, apathy, and guilt, and interventions to promote coping, adaptation, and healthy responses to climate change.

Social and community impacts of climate change, socioeconomic disparities in climate change impacts, and ethical and social justice implications of climate change.

Psychological barriers that limit individual and collective action on climate change.

Empirically-based approaches to understanding the nature and determinants of behaviors that affect the environment and the development of interventions to alter such behaviors.

I personally believe the people I know who are participating in this hoax, no matter at what amount, are addicted to an ego trip. The appeal is multi-faceted. First it makes a person think they are doing something heroic by sacrificing all kinds of things; money liberty, comfort, time, energy, etc. Secondly, it makes a person adopt a superiority complex by making them feel they are so much better than others for doing these so-called heroic things. Thirdly, when added to a group of like-minded people, it appeals to the herd mentality and makes people think they are part of something big (really important).

Americans have been particularly ripe for this sort of propaganda picking. They have had 30 to 60 years of indoctrination in the public schools, for one thing. They have been told for how many years now they need to feel guilty for having a prosperous society, that Americans are too rich compared to the rest of the world. Americans like to think of themselves as strong and willing to do good in the world. The last two generations haven’t had the positive feedback for saving the world, as the WWII generation had. Just the opposite. We’ve been told how greedy and uncaring we are, in spite of “policing” the world and handing out the most foreign aid of any nation on the planet. No. We’ve been told we are very bad people. So what do folks need to make themselves feel better? “Save the Planet” works for most…even though the entire set up is a monumental lie.

Who would know this better than psychologists? I would further point out that psychologists are not immune to propaganda and the same ego addictions as the rest of the population. Their systemic (excuse the word) insanity in this case is evident for all to see. It is worth reading a resolution put forth by this group here.

“Therefore it is resolved that APA recognizes the role of psycho-social processes in perceptions and beliefs about global climate change that can potentially hinder public understanding of global climate change.”

“Therefore it is resolved that APA supports psychologists’ involvement in research, education, and community interventions in improving public understanding of global climate change impacts and psychological contributions to mitigation and adaptation efforts that address both environmental and human, including psychological, impacts of Global Climate Change.”
So there you have it. I could go on for a long time on the psychology of propaganda using sources from and about tyrannies in the past. But staying on the subject of “Climate Change” as the subject du jour, this time we face a global tyranny, not just a national one…though our nation is in this up to its eyeballs. I find it extremely disappointing that so many fellow Americans are easily duped and vulnerable to such an addiction to propaganda as this. If you doubt me, try to tell someone participating in the madness that they are wasting their money and time buying that Chevy Volt or those stupid CFL’s. Good luck with that. Like any addict they will turn on you, growl, and call you every nasty name that comes into their Kool-ade soaked mind.

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