Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gun group urges Ryan to confront Biden on Fast and Furious

October 10, 2012

Will Ryan seize the opportunity to confront the administration on Fast and Furious and tell Americans what Mitt Romney will do about it?
Scott Legato/Getty Images

( - The national right to keep and bear arms advocacy group, Gun Owners of America, urged its members and supporters today to ask Rep. Paul Ryan “to bring up Fast & Furious in the debate this Thursday with [Vice President] Joe Biden.

“Just recently, Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan – ‘A’ rated by Gun Owners of America -- became the 131st Representative to call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation,” the alert reports.

“This is a unique opportunity for him to show how the administration will use diabolical methods to advance its gun control agenda,” GOA explains, providing a link to the Romney campaign website contact page and a sample letter supporters can use.

“You are in a unique position where you can bypass the mainstream media and tell Americans how the Obama administration wanted to use dead Mexican bodies as a way to drudge up support for gun control in this country,” the letter reminds Ryan.

GOA’s leadership in this should come as welcome news to those supporting calls made in this column for candidate Mitt Romney to define what he intends to do to ensure justice is done if he is elected, especially since requests to the powerful National Rifle Association to lead in this have gone unacknowledged.

As Ryan himself brought up gunwalking in a recent campaign appeal, the expectation hardly seems unreasonable, and indeed, could not only help educate more Americans to a story legacy media has shown no small amount of deliberate indifference toward, but could also help convince those demanding justice that the Romney campaign has not just engaged in political rhetoric.

Is there any doubt that Biden would crumble and stammer before the cameras, especially when pressed, creating a game-changing television moment that would go worldwide-viral?

Gun Rights Examiner took GOA up on its request and contacted the campaign, albeit foregoing the prepared letter and sending the following question:

Will Rep. Ryan bring up Fast and Furious in his debate with VP Biden? And will Mitt Romney pledge to revoke executive privilege on withheld documents and order full cooperation with Congressional investigators from DOJ, State and DHS, as well as any other relevant federal departments and agencies?

Per the 2012 Presidential Debate Schedule, “Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others,” and the Vice Presidential Foreign Policy debate, which begin at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, will be live-streamed on their website, so gun owners can see for themselves what Ryan does.

Supporters can click here to read the complete Gun Owners of America alert and their sample letter, and click here to add their voices to those urging Rep. Ryan to “smack down the administration over Fast & Furious.” In addition, The War on Guns blog has also posted a “tweet” for the Romney campaign that Twitter users can send out to further urge the candidate and to spread the word to their followers.


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