Sunday, October 28, 2012

Obama Supporters Slam ‘Romney’ Policies…Then Find Out They’re Actually Obama’s

October 28, 2012
The Blaze

Back in September, radio personality Howard Stern highlighted an often overlooked aspect of the average voter– namely, that they tend to feel strongly about the candidates they like and dislike, but know very little about what the candidates actually stand for.

In a
new video by “We Are Change,” controversial reporter Luke Rudkowski (he appears to have a number of 9/11 “truther” connections) went to New York City, where he told a number of self-described Obama voters that the president’s policies are actually being supported by Mitt Romney.

Though Rudkowski has a history of “stirring the pot,” it’s certainly fascinating to see how people respond.

Romney was quickly called “crazy,” “his” policies deemed “unconstitutional” and “immoral.” The crowd seemed particularly disturbed by the expansion of the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act (which allows U.S. citizens to be detained without trial), and the proposed “
Kill List.”

So what happened when Rudkowski had to tell the group that the policies they just eviscerated were actually being supported by their presidential pick?

To their credit, a number of the voters said they needed to look it up and do some more homework. Others refused to believe the man, while others spun 180 degrees almost immediately.

One girl concluded: “Well, I mean, I understand what you’re saying, but there’s a lot of other reasons I’m going to vote for Obama, and hearing that stuff honestly doesn’t change it…”

In the video’s description, the organization reiterated that their intention is not to support Mitt Romney, but to try to get an honest answer on certain issues.

Slate Magazine

…two experiments are playing out at once. First: People are naturally inclined to oppose any policies if they believe those policies are held by the candidate they’re voting against. Second: How much attention have non-wonks paid to the kill list/disposition matrix? Almost none. How much of that is their fault? Well, how much sober coverage of the drone policy have they seen?

Watch the entire video, below:

(H/T: Hot Air)

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