Wednesday, October 3, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT: The FULL 2007 Obama tape you've never seen before

By Correctamundo
@ Capitalist's Preservation

In a video from '07, in which Obama addresses an audience of black ministers, you see and hear a different man than what you have in the WH today - but yet he was the same. Different in that he really had his racial accent goin' on - he sounded like he was full of Novocaine. The same, however, in his divisive, race-baiting, class warfare rhetoric. The full video can be seen here at The Daily Caller website:

Barack Obama 2007 Speech, full version

On The Sean Hannity Show last night, Sean does a side-by-side comparison of Obama speaking out of both sides of his mouth (starting at 10:22)>>

And the left is getting dizzy spinning its significance, or to them, its insignificance. Oh, they can say it's old news or that it was 'already covered', even by Tucker Carlson - but the fact is, it was covered under false pretenses. The meat of the speech was scrubbed. The version currently available is only about 9 minutes long and that's ALL the public ever saw. You don't hear about class warfare, race, and the poor people that need help. Yes, Obama is the original '47%er', make no mistake. And how is the left spinning it?

Sam Stein ‏@samsteinhp
Tucker Carlson actually covered Obama’s quiet riot speech on his old MSNBC show
Andrew Kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew
This speech was actually covered on Tucker Carlson’s MSNBC show Tucker in 2007 oddly enough.
Sarah Reese Jones ‏@srjones66
HOW YOU CAN TELL THEY ARE LOSING: Fox and Drudge stoop down to Rev Wright again. FYI, this is not working, again.

Stefan Becket ‏@stefanjbecket
That was lame.


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