Saturday, October 13, 2012

State of the Race

Posted on Saturday October 13, 00:19:36 GMT-0400 2012
by NY4Romney

(Free Republic) - So the race for the White House has definitely become much easier for us in the past week and a half...and the VP debate probably didn't do anything to help Obama. After analyzing the polls and history, I think we can safely say that the electoral vote count is:

Romney: 257

I give Romney all McCain states plus Indiana, Nebraska 2, NC, FL, VA, and Colorado. I think Romney will definitely win those, meaning he needs only 13 more electoral votes with theses states left: PA, WI, MI, NH, Iowa, Nevada, and Ohio.

These are the states Romney needs to focus on. If he wins one of MI, Ohio, or PA he wins and the rest don't matter. Or he can win a combo of the others. I think of all these states, the most plausible path to victory is for him to just win Ohio. I feel completely confident that if Romney just wins Ohio we win the election. The polls are close there, I have no idea how things look on the ground, but I know that the vast majority of Ohio borders red states - huge borders with Kentucky, WV, and Indiana. They hate Obama and I think might be enough to overcome Cayuga county and win this for us,

Please please, everyone work on Ohio!! Make calls, volunteer, fly to the state - just make sure we win Ohio and we win this election.

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