Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Liberals Say….What I Hear

Robert A. Hall

You Say: Journalist…I Hear: Propagandist

You Say: Social Justice…I Hear: Stand and Deliver

You Say: Shari’a Law…I Hear: Hang gays, stone women, marry children, own slaves

You Say: Progressive…I Hear: Socialist

You Say: Trial Lawyer…I Hear: Pirate

You Say: Racist…I Hear: Shut Up

You Say: Islamophobia…I Hear: Shut Up

You Say: Holy Qur’an…I Hear: Behead the Non-believers

You Say: Prohibit Blasphemy…I Hear: Eliminate Free Speech

You Say: Holy Prophet…I Hear: Murdering Pedophile who, according to their Holy Hadiths had sex with his 9-year-old wife and his slave girls and slaughtered captives.

You Say: Fair Share…I Hear: You Make, I Take

You Say: Investments…I Hear: Higher Taxes

You Say: Climate Change…I Hear: Crony Green Capitalism

You Say: Suppress the Vote…I Hear: Steal the Election

You Say: Affirmative Action…I Hear: Racial Discrimination

You Say: Welfare…I Hear: Broken, Single-Parent Families

You Say: Trayvon Martin…I Hear: The whispered names of thousands forgotten victims of black on black murders every year

You Say: Vote Democrat…I Hear: Fiscal Collapse

You Say: Government Program…I Hear: Oppressive Bureaucrats

You Say: Food Stamps…I Hear: Increasing dependency

You Say: SS Disability…I Hear: Increasing dependency

You Say: Keep Medicare as it is…I Hear: The coming fiscal collapse of America

You Say: Protect Social security as it is…I Hear: The coming fiscal collapse of America

You Say: ObamaCare…I Hear: The coming fiscal collapse of America

You Say: Outlaw Blasphemy...I Hear: Ban the Bible, because Muslims consider the claim that God had a son to be blasphemy.

You Say: Blacks suffer from racism…I Hear: Blacks suffer from the protected inner city black culture

You Say: The One Percent… I Hear: Job creators who have realized the American dream

You Say: Block Fracking…I Hear: Increase energy costs on the poor and send jobs overseas

You Say: Block off-shore or AWR drilling….I Hear: Increase energy costs on the poor and send jobs overseas

You Say: Eliminate coal…I Hear: Increase energy costs on the poor and send jobs overseas

You Say: Respect Islam…I Hear: Give Islam a favored, protected place not enjoyed by other religions

You Say: Transform America…I Hear: Into Greece

You Say: Transparency…I Hear: Fast and Furious

You Say: Soft Power…I Hear: A nuclear explosion in New York or Washington

You Say: Executive Order…I Hear: Destroy the checks and balances in the Constitution

You Say: Reduced the military budget…I Hear: China will dominate her neighbors

You Say: Quantative Easing…I Hear: Weimar Republic

You Say: Economic Stimulus…I Hear: Reward cronies and political contributors

You Say: Deficit…I Hear: The weeping of our grandchildren whose future is being destroyed by debt

You Say: Undocumented Worker…I Hear: Illegal Colonist from a failed, violent culture

You Say: Department of Justice…I Hear: Arm of the Obama Campaign

You Say: Media….I Hear: Arm of the Obama Campaign

You Say: Polling Organizations…I Hear: Arm of the Obama Campaign

You Say: Diversity…. I Hear: Racial Discrimination

You Say: Universities….I Hear: Suppression of diverse speech and opinions that are not PC

You Say: Bain Capital…I Hear: Punish success

You Say: Reproductive Rights…I Hear: Gendercide

You Say: War on Women…I Hear: Buying votes with free stuff

You Say: Eric Holder…I Hear: Corrupt Racist

You Say: Hope and Change…I Hear: Disaster for the Republic I love and have served all my life as best I could.

You Say: Barack Obama…I Hear: The Chicago Way, Tony Rezko, Reverend “God Damn America” Wright and Bill Ayers


Robert A. Hall is the author of The Coming Collapse of the American Republic.
For a free PDF of the book, e-mail him at tartanmarine(at)

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