Thursday, November 22, 2012

The New Plan Of Attack

Fellow Patriots,
In light of Dr. Eowyns startling and disturbing report on the ‘Consent Decree’, which states by law that the GOP can not legally bitch about fraudulent activities by the underhanded Left, we now need a New Plan of attack.
I came across some interesting information today.

If anyone can find a flaw in this strategy, presented by a fellow patriot, please note it in the comments. If this works, it may be a last-resort protection our Founding Fathers left us in our Constitution for a time such as this, when the voice of the people has been completely disregarded and the election has been stolen by foreign influence.

This golden egg may just be our only “eject button” to get rid of Barack Obama and restore integrity to our nation once and for all.

Amendment 12 of the Constitution says if no person receives a majority of the electoral votes for President, the House of Representatives elects the President. In such an election the representatives from each state have one vote among them. A majority of these votes is necessary to elect the President.The 2012 election does not get decided until Mid-December when the Electoral College cast their votes. AND… if 1/3rd of the States do not cast their votes in the Electoral College, then the matter falls onto the House of Representatives to choose the President.

We pressure Congressmen, State Party Officials, and groups such as Tea Party Patriots, Heritage Foundation, etc., to call on RED States to NOT have their Electors cast their vote – then the House of Reps CAN choose the next President (and Republicans still have the majority in the House of Representatives)!!!

If just 18 RED States agreed to NOT cast their votes in the electoral college – then it goes to the House. And if pressured – they just might do it.

We do NOT have to convince ANY democrats – at all. All we have to do is convince 1/3 of the States to NOT cast their electoral college votes. Well more than 1/3 of the States did in fact vote as RED States and they too can see the obvious, wide-spread vote-fraud which has taken place.

So, if the Electors in 18 (of 24) States which Romney won decided to NOT cast their electoral college votes – then the electoral college does not meet the requirement as defined in the Constitution, therefore, the electoral college becomes null and void. The matter then goes to the House.

In every State, each political party chooses its’ own “electors”. Then, whichever party wins the popular vote in each State is the party which gets to have its electors cast their vote in the electoral college.

However, according to the Constitution and the 12th Amendment, in order for the Electoral College to have a quorum – then at least 2/3rds of the States must cast their votes.

As stated in the Constitution and the 12th Amendment:

“A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States.”

So, if 1/3 of the States (17) do NOT cast their electoral college votes – then it goes to the House of Representatives (not the senate) to elect the next President.

“… if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers… the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.”

The Democrats are stealing this election and it is up to WE, the people, to put the hammer down on their widespread vote-fraud.

The founding-fathers gave us the Electoral College for several reasons. Vote-Fraud is one of those reasons.

But it is up to us to hold tightly to the Constitution. If we don’t, then we are just as guilty as those who would ignore it. The Constitution can stop the socialist machine in its’ tracks. But it is up to YOU to get on the phone and make some noise. Please call your State Party Officials, your Congressmen, and any political groups or organizations ASAP!

What YOU can do is call the contacts below and request a list of Mitt Romney’s Electors and their contact info (by law, they must provide this to you).

When you get the list, call every one of them or send a letter to every one of them, if all you have is an address, and inform them of this provision in our Constitution, which allows the House of Representatives to choose our president.
(If the electors are not yet posted here for a given state, please post them in a comment to this article)

REMEMBER- We only have until mid-December! MAKE THE CALLS! WRITE THE LETTERS!



Continued: How to contact RED STATES>>

Here is a sample of a letter you can send to your state’s Electors:

Mr. or Ms. ______
Electoral College elector
State of (your state’s name)

Dear Mr. or Ms. ________

Our Founding Fathers were brilliant, learned, and thoughtful men who were mindful of the dangers of intemperate popular passions — what they called “a tyranny of the majority.” To guard against that, our Founders intentionally rejected a direct democracy for the new independent America, but instead chose an indirect democracy of a republican form of government.

In the American Republic, the popular vote would not decide America’s chief executives — the President and Vice President of the United States of America. Instead, popular passions would be mediated through the Electoral College, the members of which, while reflecting the popular votes in their respective states, would actually cast the votes for the President and Vice President.

There is now compelling evidence that massive vote fraud had been committed in the 2012 presidential election, especially in the key battleground states that played such a decisive role in the ostensible election results. Attached to this letter is an article, “22 signs of Democrat Voter Fraud in 2012 Election,” which gives the evidence in greater detail.

Given this evidence, I’m writing you to respectfully ask that you refrain from casting your Electoral College vote. It would be unconscionable for the Electoral College to vote before a systematic nationwide investigation into suspected vote fraud is undertaken. The very integrity and survival of our American Republic depends on it.


(Your name here)

Encl.: 22 signs of Democrat Voter Fraud in 2012 Election

Feel free to copy, paste, and print the above sample letter as your letter.
God bless America!


source: fellowship of minds

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