Saturday, November 3, 2012

Without A Doubt We’re Living In Strange Times

Indianapolis, IN --( I can’t begin to describe my thoughts about this kind of story, “U.S. Military to Use Mock ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ as Part of Counter-Terrorism Training“, but it certainly is indicative of the fearfully bizarre world we seem to be cornered.

What would have been the reaction from people or even media to a story like this 50 years ago, 1962? Beyond the ridiculously deceptive explanation of what this training is supposed to be about, when you read it carefully, it suggests that it’s geared more to urban warfare and engagements.

I’m not going into a lengthy dialog about this nonsense, but like so many other grotesque real life news reports one must wonder if this even moves the needle on most people’s meter. Given the fact that in this case the scenario is based on a recent movie and current TV series is it possible that it clouds the line between fact and fiction so much so that it is perceived as entertainment rather than reality?

If you look at the link below you might notice some resemblance in the picture in the above article and the one from April 22, 2000 at 5 AM when agents stormed the home of Elian Gonzales.

Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez and Donato Dalrymple, one of the two men who rescued the boy from the sea, in a bedroom closet as federal agents enter the Little Havana home of Elian’s relatives.
Copyright: 2000, Associated Press

Without a doubt we’re living in strange times and what appears acceptable today certainly would not have been a few decades ago.

The next 2nd Amendment Patriot meeting will be Saturday Nov. 3rd. We hope you can attend. Margie is suggesting to bring your favorite soup for the pot luck dinner. As always soda pops and desserts are welcomed, too.

Take care,
Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots

 The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs. Visit:

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