Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hypocritical Irony Exposed: Anti-Gun Senator Shoots Home Intruder

Dec. 30, 2012

Well known anti-gun state senator R.C. Soles (D-NC) pulled a gun on two men breaking into his home, shooting one of them.

The senator, who has spent his political career fighting against the individual right to keep and bear arms, apparently believes the right to keep and bear arms is still valid for elected officials.

The guy he shot, Kyle Blackburn is pictured in the thumbnail on the homepage.

I don’t suppose pointing out the utter hypocrisy of a guy who dedicated himself to gun control will matter much, you can’t shame the shameless.

What it does do is highlight the mindset of our aristocratic ruling elites. People like David Gregory who scoff at the idea of putting armed guards in our schools while he sends his own kids to a private school that employs 11 armed guards or Michael Moore who mocks gun owners for being cowards while he himself employs armed bodyguards for protection or even Diane Feinstein who admitted that she herself carries a concealed weapon.

When did America degenerate into a medieval society where certain individuals entitled by reason of their wealth, power or celebrity status grant themselves license to do as they please while denying the rest of us the same privileges that they take for granted?

What became of our classless society where all men are deemed equal under the law? The great American experiment rejected royalty and the abuses that resulted from that system. But now all that seems to be different is the titles we give our leaders. Congressmen are defacto Barons, Senators defacto Lords and the President a defecto King sitting on his throne next to his Queen.

Shall we have to bow to them next?

Hat tip: BC's Hot Bites

Source: Big Government via Blurbrain

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