Friday, January 11, 2013

Big Dreamer Obama: I Don’t Need Congress To Take Your Guns

Jan. 11, 2013
Daily Witness Staff

In a gun-grabbing scheme as desperate as it is wrong, President Obama is threatening to bypass Congress and go it alone via Executive Orders if legislators don’t move fast.

The sudden rush to Executive Orders comes as Obama sees the writing on the wall: the American people do not want more gun control, and the Republican Congress is listening to the people.

Thus, Obama’s roots are showing — his Chicago thuggery is coming out. And through the threat of Executive Orders, he’s basically telling citizens that he will get what he wants… and they will like it.

Although the country was reeling and emotionally fragile on Dec. 14 and the days immediately thereafter, we found our footing and realized anew that the actions of one — in this case, Adam Lanza — ought not in any way limit the freedom of the many.

As a result, Obama has watched as Americans vote with their wallets at gun stores, ammo dealers, and gun shows. He knows that every passing day without new gun control legislation is a day in which other news gets the chance to drown out the gun control mantra Obama sycophants in the media have pushed since Sandy Hook.

Soon, all media talking heads pushing gun control will sound as lost and shameful as Piers Morgan. And at that point, the chances for more gun control legislation go from zero to less-than-zero.

Unless we do things the Chicago way, of course. And if we do that, Obama will stretch his Executive Order powers until they almost snap to bypass Congress and implement every gun control measure he can implement.

Call it what you want; it’s just Chicago thuggery 101.

By Awr Hawkins

This article originally appeared in

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