Monday, February 18, 2013

The King That Might Have Been

February 18, 2013

by, Schuyler Montague

Today in America, we find ourselves in dire straits. The feeling of being among the downtrodden has extended itself beyond all social classes and economic status. Where there was once hope and dreams of a better life, it is a downward spiral we have reached. With aspirations of our children’s future being brighter than that of our own, a reality of darkness and desperation has set in. For the first time in our nations history since its birth, this generation of youth today will be the first generation to be worse off, than that of their parents.

When Obama came into office he possessed an opportunity that no president before him ever has. Being the first black president, he had the opportunity to be a great role model for all future children, but especially black youth. He had the opportunity to achieve that which many young black males before him might have only dreamed of, but never thought could one day be a reality. He truly had the opportunity to rise to greatness. Martin Luther King was a true man of greatness. Not based on a position he achieved but rather, the content of his character. When he gave his word, it was honored. When he made a promise, it was kept.

Obama also made many promises. Although, not only has he not kept his promises, he has actually done just the opposite of what he promised. He made promises to be a “uniter” when in reality he has been the most divisive president ever to hold the office. He promised to cut the national debt by four trillion dollars, but in truth has added more to it than all of his predecessors combined. He promised to lower the amount of people on welfare, but there are more people on welfare today than ever in the history of the program. He promised to bring down the level of unemployment, but there are more people out of work today than the day he took office. And, the list of fiction, false-hoods and outright lies goes on and on.

A great president is often defined by the greatness that he surrounds himself with. No president is expected to know all that there is to know about economics, foreign policy, diplomacy, social development, the environment, military strategy, etc. What a president is expected to know though, is the point of his own limitations. A president is expected to surround himself with the best in their field, for the job they are being chosen to fill. Instead, Obama chose people according to their politics. He chose people from his radical past who are still radical wolves adorned in a liberal sheep’s clothing. He came into office with a progressive social-marxist agenda and has filled every position with “like-minded” individuals that would assist him in reaching his goals. If someone were to draw up a strategy and title it: ”99 Ways to Destroy a Nation”.. that is the roadmap Obama is following.

Obama had a door opened to him that only 43 men before him have ever walked through. History would have judged him kindly had he only attempted to achieve the goals he promised. Had he only kept his word and possessed a moral fortitude and a resounding content of character. Instead what he has achieved is a lowering of the bar of expectation and results for the Office of the American Presidency. He is obviously of a certain level of intellect and his ability as an effective communicator has been on display since before day one. Although, words are cheap where action is lacking and at the end of the day, a message unfulfilled is just a message. Just a tele-prompter full of empty words and broken promises that any 6-year-old could read.

In many ways, Obama is guilty of the “Peter Principal.” The principal that states; “ individual will eventually be promoted beyond their level of ability.” It is sometimes stated as “..people tend to rise to their level of incompetence.” This is Obama in a nutshell. Not only does he not possess the skill set required to occupy the Oval Office as President, but I often question whether he possesses the skill set required to clean the restroom in the Oval Office.


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