Thursday, March 21, 2013

DHS Tells a ‘Stunned’ Congress: We Still Can’t Measure Border Security

by John Hill
Stand With Arizona

Uh, oh…looks like Janet Incompetanto’s disastrous management of DHS may threaten the passage of illegal alien amnesty that elites in both parties are determined to shove down our throats, by her utter failure to secure the border.

DHS officials told Congress Wednesday they still “don’t have a way to effectively measure border security” — a revelation that lawmakers said could “doom the chances for passing an immigration legalization bill this year”.

Three years after the Obama administration scrapped the previous yardstick, which measured miles of the border under “operational control,” top Customs and Border Protection officials told Congress the new measure they’re working on won’t be ready for public use any time in the near future.

It will never be “ready”. Here’s why: the entire reason DHS has been desperately trying to come up with some new, phony “metric” for border security, is so they could stop using the embarrassing ACTUAL metric called “operation control” that shows how grossly INsecure the border really is.

For example, in 2010, the last time the figure was reported, a government audit found JUST 44 PERCENT of the border was under “operational control” – a figure then-House Judiciary committee chairman Lamar Smith rightly called “a failing grade”…

That’s right, in 2010, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report finding the U.S.-Mexico border is vulnerable to cross-border illegal activity. Of the nearly 2,000 miles separating the U.S. and Mexico, only 129 miles are under “full control” of the Border Patrol. The report found that 873 miles are under “operational control,” which is only 44 percent of the entire Southern border. This report contradicts Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano’s recent remarks that the Administration’s “border security approach is working.”

Big Sis just couldn’t let THAT stand. So DHS has spent the last 3 years trying to come up with a new way to spin their failure – and today revealed to a shocked Congress that they couldn’t:

When they scrapped the operational control yardstick, Homeland Security officials had said they’d have a new one ready in 2012. A year later, members of Congress said they’re still waiting.

The revelation “stunned lawmakers on both sides of the aisle”, who said that without a way to measure border security, they “may not be able to convince voters to accept a new legalization”.

“You do not want the Department of Homeland Security to be the stumbling block to comprehensive immigration reform for this country, and it could happen. So get in the game,” said Rep. Candice S. Miller, chairwoman of the House’s border security subcommittee.

Boo hoo! The elites, along with their activist and media allies, and slave-labor addicted business lobbyists like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have been one happy choir singing “The border is secure, the border is secure”, so they could fast-track the mother-of-all-amnesties. But to any even semi-rational mind, this was a ridiculous farce from the start. the border is nowhere near secure by any definition. And now the cat is out of the bag, and those same elites are not happy about it.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee, said she doesn’t think legalization should be held up over the issue, but said Homeland Security needs to do better.

“You’ve got to get in the game,” she said. “What I’m hearing here is not really a definitive game strategy.”

When you are losing even mindless sycophants like Sheila Jackson-Lee, you know you are in big trouble.

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