Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A racist Michigan Republican rears her head.


(Wake Up Black America) - I guess I have to admit it. Liberals always told me that racism is a Republican thing solely, but I didn't listen. They said that the "R" in republican stood for racist, but did I listen? Of course I didn't listen, and do you now why I didn't listen? Because what progressives have been saying about the both parties is now and will always bee "ABSOLUTE BS"!! Progressives Democrats still live in a self created dream land. They have convinced themselves that any sort of white racism is a Republican thing, yet they have managed to turn a blind eye to the racist traits of white Democrats. Oh you didn't know that there is such a thing as "white" Democrats? I know, if you listened to the left, one couldn't help to come to the conclusion that all whites belong to the Republican Party. Leave it to me to once again debunk insanity passed off as the new reality by progressives. Can anyone imagine what would happen if a Republican female who held a position in the local or state party called a black person an "arrogant nigger"? Oh snap!!,the response would be fierce, it would be national news. I've always said that racism or racial hatred isn't owned by any political party. Progressives haven't figured that out. In their la la land childish way of thinking, they believe that the Democratic Party is all about racial harmony and diversity. They might be in need of a cold slap wake up call. Buena Vista Township Clerk Gloria Platko is resisting demands that she step down after another local official, Interim Township Manager Dexter Mitchell (a Democrat), taped a phone conversation in which Platko referred to Township Supervisor Dwayne Parker (also a Democrat) as “an arrogant nigger.”

What Ms Platko said is perfectly ok actually. "She had thanksgiving dinner with black people".! I wonder did she take any of the dark meat on the turkey? At least she didn't do like what white Democratic politicians do around election time, go to black churches for 15 minutes to 20 minutes and clap off key. This story will never make the national news, because Ms Platko is a Democrat and the national media has to keep the illusion going, but at least the local media did their job in reporting on the not so racially compassionate "Democrat".

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