Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obamacare sales pitch to flood schools, churches, cell phones, computers


Here comes the great Obamacare sales pitch.

Enroll America, a group dedicated to helping the administration sell the nation on Obamacare, is planning to make their pitch of encouraging Americans to sign up in schools, churches, and even personal cellular phones.

The nonprofit group with ties to the president's team is poised to become the president's unofficial Obamacare marketing team, announcing this week that it will put its message in every corner of American life.

Its new campaign is called "Get Covered America," and the aim is to provide an easily understood set of reasons and directions to Americans who either don't have health insurance or have inadequate coverage to sign up.

"Get Covered America will engage you at your churches, schools and community events," said Enroll America President Anne Filipic in a YouTube video pitch announcing the plan.
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"You'll hear from us on your televisions and radios, on your computers and smart phones and in your mailboxes too," she added.

Some 7 million people are expected to begin signing up for Obamacare beginning in October for coverage that will begin in January.

Source: Paul Bedard, The Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist

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