Sunday, July 7, 2013

150th Anniversary Battle of Gettysburg


In light of the 150th anniversary of the battle of Gettysburg, the south central Pennsylvania area is holding numerous reenactments. Not only on the battlefield but at other locations that played important rolls during the time frame, both before and after the main event. Here are some pictures from some of those events. There are many more links scattered throughout the area's news site. Hope you enjoy!

View the slideshow here (50 pics)>>

The Civil War was one of the most important events in our country's history. And it sure is great to see how important it's significance still is. Even today, one hundred and fifty years later, in a political climate anything but American,  we can take pride in knowing that our God-given rights and principles stated in our constitution, although under siege, are deeply embedded in our souls. God Bless America

Here is a link to most of the events that have already taken place, are currently in progress or have yet to happen.

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