Monday, August 19, 2013

Six types of people who are making America a worse place to live


Living in the United States is great. You can say what you want, own what you want, shoot almost anything you want – it's like a dream that's too good to be true. It can fairly be said that the United States of America has offered an unprecedented level of prosperity and freedom to more people than just about any other political system in the history of the world. After all, we don't see any evidence that the ancient Sumerians were laying rubber in from of any Dairy Queens with any 1969 B.C. Mustangs, am I right? But yet – things are not what they ought to be. The bloom's coming off the rose, and a lot of folks are wondering why.

Well, I'm here to answer that question, or at least to wave my arms around in a distracting fashion so that you think I'm answering it. Why are our lives becoming more obnoxious and difficult? Why do Americans just seem...more annoyed than we used to? Well, find out below. We've got a lot of people in our country who are actively trying to make our lives more difficult, dangerous, or at least aggravating. These include...


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