Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Atty General Holder Threatens to Sue Every State that Passes Voter ID Laws


His Majesty, Protector of Illegal Aliens, Provider of Assault Rifles to Mexican Druglords and Keeper of the Keys to the Cold Medicine Prescription Cabinet of America has spoken.

No laws that restrict Obama voters from illegally voting will be tolerated. Ever. Under any circumstances.

The North Carolina law includes troubling new restrictions, such as provisions that will significantly reduce early voting days; eliminate same-day registration during early voting; impose a restrictive photo identification requirement for in-person voting; and prohibit the counting of otherwise legitimate provisional ballots that are mistakenly cast in the right county, but in the wrong precinct.  The Justice Department expects to show that the clear and intended effects of these changes would contract the electorate and result in unequal access to participation in the political process on account of race.
None of those restrictions have anything to do with race. They have to do with safeguarding the integrity of the vote.

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