Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Glitch Happens


A little change of pace today; this is a partial collection of graphics which Hope n' Changecreated for Facebook (and our good friends at Barack Obama's Dead Fly) because we're fed up with hearing the word "glitch" applied to the website debacle.

"Glitch" sounds small, cute, and sort of pleasantly quirky. But a "glitch" doesn't cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. A "glitch" doesn't cause human suffering or potential loss of life. A "glitch" is a minor mistake - not the inevitable result of botched human planning, shirked responsibility, and the decision to put a higher priority on politics than practicality.

Rather, what we're seeing at should more properly be described as a "man-caused disaster," a term the Obama administration originally proposed as a euphemism for acts of terror.

It's time to take that term out of the mothballs and put it back into everyday use. After all, we've paid for it.

obama, obama jokes, cartoon,, obamacare, rose garden, stilton jarlsberg, hope n' change, tea party

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