Friday, December 27, 2013

Jesse Jackson Calls Phil Robertson More Offensive Than Rosa Parks Bus Driver

December 27, 2013

By Douglas V. Gibbs

For you youngsters who don't know who Rosa Parks was, during the Civil Rights battle in the 1960s, she refused to sit in the back of the bus as was expected of blacks during that time, and she became an icon of the period, representative of the struggle for Equal Rights.  Reverend Jesse Jackson, who sees "race" in everything that bugs him, has decided Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson's remark about the homosexual lifestyle, was worse than the white bus driver demanding that Rosa Parks sit in the back of the bus.

Once again, the hard left is trying to get you to believe that the drive for the justification of a sexual deviation, the push to silence all opposition to homosexuality, and the attempt to ultimately eliminate Christian morals from our society, is akin to "racial" discrimination that blacks endured during the Civil Rights Era.

Of course, these people are also the same folks that want you to believe we are more of a racist nation, overall, than ever before - even while a black man resides in the White House.

Jackson was referring to Robertson's gay remarks, and he also claimed the man's comments had an anti-black ring to them, as well.  Something about the Duck Dynasty star daring to say that during the Jim Crow era, blacks weren't constantly miserable - and in fact, thanks to Jesus, were a happy, whistling bunch.

How dare he!

In reality, Phil Robertson's remarks in a GQ Magazine interview were not inflammatory.  He was asked questions designed to corner him, and he answered them honestly.  However, since the leftists don't understand the premise of Robertson's position, which largely hangs on his faith in Christ, they have claimed Robertson was out of line - which encouraged A&E to suspend the very popular reality celebrity.

Of course, if you say anything that disagrees with the liberal left agenda, you must be forced into silence, you are spewing hate speech, and it opens the Left up to comparing you to pretty much any disgusting thing they can think of.

Jackson went on to say, "At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson's statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was 'white privilege.'"

Is Jackson complaining about a lack of laws that would have otherwise enabled government to shut Robertson up with legal force?

Jackson and GLAAD said they believe it's not right for a personality with such a large platform to benefit from such comments.  They stopped short of demanding that the gestapo arrest the Christian for daring to speak freely.

Remember, Senator Diane Feinstein has determined that if you disagree with the liberal left, free speech is not a right, but a special privilege - which apparently can be revoked by well-funded fascist gays, racist preachers like Jackson, and power hungry democrats who agree with the Marxist idiom that peace comes when there is no opposition.

Robertson says his comments were quotes from the Bible. "I didn't think much of it at all, but it seems a lot of other people did," he said.

Welcome to Orwellian America, where truth is radical hate speech, and propaganda is protected and supported by well-funded radicals, and powerful Marxist politicians.

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