Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Border Fail: Update

Affidavit: Woman drives vanload of kids after drinking at quinceañera

Authorities claim they pulled over a woman driving five children home after drinking beer at a birthday party.
Leticia Rodriguez was originally pulled over for a defective headlight in San Benito, and that is when authorities smelled an odor of alcohol coming from the woman's breath.
Rodriguez, the driver of the van, told authorities she did not have a drivers' license, which prompted police to ask her to step out of the vehicle, an affidavit obtained by Action 4 News reveals.
Rodriguez was pulled over in front of her mother's house, where authorities say they smelled the alcohol and asked her to perform field sobriety tests. She refused to submit to any of the tests, documents show.
Since she refused to submit to any sobriety tests, she was transported to Harlingen Medical Center for a blood draw where a Registered Nurse assisted around 12:35 on Saturday, January 11.
She was arrested based off of what the trooper noticed at the scene, including the odor of alcohol and her alleged bloodshot eyes.
Rodriguez was driving with five children, all under the age of 15, the trooper documented.
The arresting trooper claims she said in Spanish that she knew she was drunk.
A 14-year-old, two 13-year-olds, a 9-year-old, and a 7-year-old were in the van.
Rodriguez was booked at the Cameron County Jail in Brownsville on charges of driving while intoxicated with a child passenger under 15, a state jail felony.
She was given a total of $50,000 in bonds for the five charges.


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