Friday, January 10, 2014

The United States of America Police Force

Jan. 10, 2014


This is creepy!!

The United States of America, Police Force,  Whether we like it or not.  Thank you Mr. Obama, or should I say HEIL.
They really are here, it just isn’t rumor any more.

Photographed in western Colorado. We will be seeing more and more of these in the coming months.
October 26, 2013 via Facebook Mobile on my phone.

So, as I was about to park, I saw this vehicle, so I quickly got out of my car and took a picture as it drove by.  As the driver saw me do this, he slammed on the brakes, and asked, "Do you have a problem?"  To which I replied, "Just taking a picture. Is that illegal now?"  He then eked forward a few feet and stayed there in the middle of the road for about a minute and a half until a car approached him from behind, forcing him to move...   This, ladies and gentlemen, is the FEDERAL POLICE FORCE (or Federal Protective Service, or United States Secret Service Uniformed Division as they are also known) we have been hearing about and the actual recipients of all that billions (yes, billions) of rounds of ammunition that is being produced for and procured by the Social Security Admin, The IRS, and other various government agencies for what purpose.  They are here, right in Downtown Grand Junction.   What is the real purpose of a Federal Protective Service and why do we need them?   Feel safe yet?   Google, United States Secret Service Uniformed Division and see what you find.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

hat tip: MyRightWingDad

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