Sunday, February 16, 2014

WHOOPS: PolitiFact R.I. rules claim by R.I. Democratic leader on GOP bills Pants on Fire


PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- In this era of high unemployment, it's always about jobs.
The issue came up again Jan. 31 when Jonathan Boucher, executive director of the Rhode Island Democratic Partypublished a commentary in The Providence Journal attacking the argument by Republican Ian Prior that the state needs Republicans in its Congressional delegation, now all Democratic.
Boucher argued that the idea of "replacing our delegation with a bunch of Republican freshmen," which wasn't exactly Prior's argument, "is completely absurd."
"The House Republicans’ failure and inability to govern caused the first government shutdown in 16 years. The Republican leadership in the House has refused to address the issues that matter the most to Rhode Island, such as passing a jobs bill, extending unemployment benefits, raising the minimum wage, and passing comprehensive immigration reform."
In that list of alleged GOP failures, one stood out to a reader, who emailed a list of jobs bills that, he said, the Republican-controlled House has, in fact, passed.
PolitiFact Rhode Island examined Boucher's claim on the jobs bills and ruled it Pants on Fire.

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