Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tea Party candidate running against Boehner loses job over ad


Let's make sure this guy gets a new one!!!

A tea party rival of House Speaker John Boehner says he got canned because of his cheeky campaign ad that parodies an erectile dysfunction remedy promotion at the Ohio lawmaker's expense.

J.D. Winteregg, 32, whose challenge to the Republican veteran has attracted the backing of the Tea Party Leadership Fund, told The Washington Post on Monday that the racy — and some say raunchy — ad cost him his job as an adjunct professor at Cedarville University.

The political aspirant, who's been a French teacher at the small Christian college 25 miles east of Dayton, Ohio, for three years, released the video parody last week and was promptly informed his contract would not be renewed.

"They said because of the ad that my relationship with them will be done. It's over," Winteregg said. "The ad obviously touched a nerve."

The "When the Moment Is Right" video accuses Boehner of not going far enough to stand up to President Barack Obama or mainstream members of his own party, casting the House speaker as a Beltway insider who's gone soft on his values while poking fun at his last name.

Boehner, who became speaker in 2011, has represented his Ohio district since 1991.

"Used on a daily basis, Winteregg in Congress will help you every time the moment is right — to have your voice heard at the federal level," the ad's narrator says.

"If you have a Boehner lasting longer than 23 years, seek immediate medical attention."

Story continues below video.

Winteregg, one of three tea party conservatives challenging Boehner in the May 6 Republican primary, says his ad theme — that he was the cure to "electile dysfunction" — has given his campaign a boost.

A Cedarville University spokesman, in an emailed statement, confirmed the firing, the Springfield News-Sun reports.

"Cedarville University does not engage in partisan politics and holds a high regard for displaying Christian values in the community," according to the statement from public relations director Mark Weinstein. "Mr. Winteregg in his recent political campaign video did not represent the views or values of Cedarville University."

source: NewsMax

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