Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Illegal immigrants are set free to roam the country


How bad is it for Democrats? Now that a good percentage of the low information crowd 
have awakened to realize a vote for Obama was a vote for communism, the authoritarian 
regime is faced with a sense of urgency like never before, to replace them. Introducing
the future faces of the new lower, even more uninformed democrat party.

She's undocumented and entered the U.S. illegally, but a Honduran woman says after getting caught by Border Patrol, government officials told her she's free and could leave.
Her story began in Honduras where she took a bus to Guatemala, and then took a train to Mexico ending up at the border in Reynosa.
It was there were she swam across the Rio Grande before getting caught.
She made the dangerous journey with her child just as thousands are doing daily, funneling through the system at the immigration and naturalization services in Harlingen and then being transported by government vehicles to bus stations across the valley.
They are told they have a court appearance but most never return.
This woman is heading to Virginia she says and through the public transit system in Brownsville.
Many just like her come to the U.S. under the pretense they will be granted asylum if they have children, but as Action 4 News has reported over the past several months, the government says that is just not true.
But our cameras found loads of undocumented immigrants who were given a pass to leave the valley and even the state.
We did reach out to Border Patrol officials for comment but did not hear back from them by news time.

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