Wednesday, August 20, 2014

*UPDATE* St. Louis Media REPORT – Dorian Johnson Recants Media Statement ? – Tells Authorities “Big Mike” Did Try For Officers Gun – Grand Jury Charges “Unlikely”… *UPDATE* – But Special Prosecutor Might Be Assigned Anyway


Bear with us – and proceed with caution – as we deliver some breaking news and source out the information:

update-1A local Saint Louis radio station is reporting that Dorian Johnson has recanted his prior media espousals and now asserts that he and Mike Brown did indeed engage in a physical confrontation with Officer Darren Wilson.  As a consequence the same Radio Station is asserting the local prosecutor essentially advises it’s doubtful charges would be filed.   The Radio Station report is screen capped below:
breaking Wilson - Justified
While this report is difficult to vet it does align with recently leaked information about Officer Wilson sustaining significant injury as a result of a felonious assault by Mike Brown during the initial encounter.  Additionally we know the Grand Jury is scheduled for tomorrow.   We also just found out the Missouri AG is on site tonight and tomorrow.
In addition, and in general alignment with the expressed probability, we know U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Community Relations Service (Peacekeepers) Head Grande Lum will be in Ferguson tomorrow as grand jury reviews evidence.
Also here is the DOJ Head’s op-ed scheduled to appear in the Saint Louis media tomorrow:
[...] Wednesday, I will be in Ferguson to be briefed on the federal civil rights investigation that I have closely monitored since I launched it more than one week ago. I will meet personally with community leaders, FBI investigators and federal prosecutors from the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to receive detailed briefings on the status of this case.
The full resources of the Department of Justice have been committed to the investigation into Michael Brown’s death. This inquiry will take time to complete, but we have already taken significant steps. Approximately 40 FBI agents and some of the Civil Rights Division’s most experienced prosecutors have been deployed to lead this process, with the assistance of the United States Attorney in St. Louis. Hundreds of people have already been interviewed in connection with this matter. On Monday, at my direction, a team of federal medical examiners conducted an independent autopsy.  (link – more)
The dots are aligning in a very specific pattern that support the posted story of Dorian Johnson’s recantation.
In addition to the National Guard, we can also confirm that Special Operations Contractors, former military personnel, have now been hired by federal authorities in the DHS to assist in security for Ferguson Missouri.   Contractors from Asymmetrical Solutions have been hired:
ST. LOUIS August 20, 2014 Missouri-based private security contractor Asymmetric Solutions, which employs elite former U.S. military special operators, tweeted Tuesday afternoon that the company is deploying a “high threat team in our own city”.
The highly specialized unit should be in place by tomorrow 8/21/14.
ANOTHER DOT - Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Brown’s family, said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell” that “I know the family’s concerned about the grand jury process” and would like a special prosecutor to take over“. (link)
grande Lumholder and obama
UPDATE:  Remember THE ASPECT of a “Police Justified Shooting” only pertains to the Grand Jury “seating”, it does not apply to special prosecution.
Meaning this media report could be valid in that a Grand Jury will find no probable cause for indictment, and the local District Attorney will not proceed with charges…
…..  Yet a special prosecutor could be still be assigned by the governor to file charges anyway.  Don’t get confused.   Just because a local authority does not find probable cause for charges against Officer Wilson does not mean he is in the clear.
If the local Ferguson Grand Jury does not find cause for an indictment that does not mean charges will not be filed.   It only means the high probability thelocal District Attorney will not seek charges.
Indeed, based on this video released yesterday it would appear Missouri Governor Nixon is well prepared to have a special prosecutor, he would assign, replace the DA and file charges DESPITE a grand jury non finding.
Remember, prior to the Grand Jury, the Governor has said he would not intercede and replace the District Attorney with a Special Prosecutor:
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon won’t remove the controversial county prosecutor from the investigation of the police killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, Nixon said Tuesday — although he was quick to point out how easy it would be for the prosecutor to step aside.
St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley and other community leaders have called for the state to remove County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch, whose “past has been suspect to the African-American community, quite frankly,” Dooley said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show.” Nixon said in a statement that while he wasn’t asking McCulloch to stand aside, “there is a well-established process by which prosecutors can recuse themselves — a process Nixon said he didn’t want to veer from “and potentially jeopardize the prosecution.” (link)

But that does not mean AFTER a grand jury he’s not willing to then step in and have his own prosecutor proceed with charges the local DA would not support.

In the previous case of Trayvon Martin the Florida authorities caved to the political pressure brought to bear by the same team of attorneys’ and professional grievance industry.    The police chief was removed, the local district attorney was removed, and a special prosecutor was assigned who cancelled the grand jury.
Perhaps Missouri local authorities have learned a lesson from the Florida case and will follow their roles despite the pressure to step-aside.   Indeed if a grand jury refused to support an indictment it would put politicians in a tough spot of prosecuting a case ‘in spite of’ a lack of evidence.
Wednesday should bring further clarity and/or confirmation of the initial reports.
*Note* this post has been updated from it’s original content


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