Thursday, August 21, 2014

U.S.-Mexican Border: Shootouts and Blockades in Reynosa-Fresas Secures Tampico Plaza


Reynosa Shootouts

This morning, the city of Reynosa recorded a series of confrontations and shootouts between soldiers and gunmen and blockades on some important avenues. attacks began around 7:40 A.M and continued for over an hour. 

Unofficial reports indicate that in the fighting  a soldier was killed and a gunman. Major shootings occurred on Hidalgo Boulevard , off  Garza Zamora, Morelos Boulevard and the intersection of  Venustiano Carranza. Also on the cruise of the railroad tracks, off the Boulevard Luis Echeverría, and Guerrero Street.

From its Twiiter account, Reynosa city government  activated the yellow light in the Colonia Ribereña and warned to avoid the area.

Buses were used to block access to the downtown area and service  was suspended during the SDR.Around 9:00 peace seemed to have been restored. Military convoys roam the area in search of more armed groups.

Crossing Calle Hidalgo and Matamoros military remains on guard.  Witnesses report seeing wounded armed men fleeing the area.

 Los Fresas and Tampico

After months of violent conflict for control of the Tampico Plaza, word on credible blogs is that Los Fresas came through the clash as victors of Tampico Plaza.

The Fresas main nemesis, Los Dragones, is reported to now be disbanded.

However,  residents report; that  cartel activity, murder, extortion, oil theft, kidnappings continue with impunity, especially in Altamira.

During the clash of the CDG cells, "Fresas", which translates to strawberries, actually used strawberries to leave their garish mark at the scene of dumped bodies.


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