Saturday, November 15, 2014 “Jon Gruber Helped Write Obamacare”


According to, President Obama’s official website, Jon Gruber “helped write Obamacare.”
The post was written in 2012 and was about specific quotes from President Obama trying to tie Mitt Romney to ObamaCare by saying that “RomneyCare” was the model for the Affordable Care Act.
In an act to hide the connection to Barack Obama after Gruber’s quotes about the “stupidity of American voters” went viral, the article has been taken down by Organizing for Action. However, it was online as recently as August of this year, and a cached version still exists that clearly shows its original content. Pundit Press found the cached version.
Here is the quote, in which the site specifically names Jon Gruber as one of the Affordable Care Act’s authors:
Gruber ObamaCare
Unsurprisingly, this damning evidence has been scrubbed from President Obama’s site. If you go to the site now, instead of the article, you will see this:
Gruber ObamaCare 2
A New York Times article from 2012 also claims that Barack Obama’s campaign also specifically called Mr. Gruber and that, from that point forward, he was known as “Mr. Mandate.”
The attempts by Democrats to distance themselves from Gruber are wilting faster than the lies about ObamaCare.


Aurelius is the Managing Editor and co-founder of Pundit Press. Pundit Press is one of the leading and most well respected news and information websites on the internet today. Pundit Press offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and opinion writing. Pundit Press Radio has quickly become one of the leading internet broadcasters with some of the top conservative hosts and shows on the web today. 


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