Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Black on White Violence Is Accelerating in America


Colin Flaherty speaks at Atlantic Cape Community College. 

COURT HOUSE – Colin Flaherty is a noted journalist for 30 years, whose works have appeared in major newspapers including The New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, and has been published in 1,000 sites around the world and received 50 journalism awards. Flaherty made an appearance Nov. 3 at Atlantic Cape Community College to speak about black-on-white violence, a topic, he stated, which does not receive much press.

The subject makes editors uncomfortable, Flaherty said. Liberals, he said, cringe at the idea of black-on-white violence and police underreport it.

Flaherty documented cases in Chicago where Mayor Rahm Emanuel denied it, and in Philadelphia where Mayor Michael Nutter diminished it.

Flaherty appeared at Helen McCaffrey’s American History II class, Francis Raucher’s English class, and John Alvarez’s theatre class, to discuss his book, White Girl Bleed A Lot, and thesis that black-on-white crime is increasing, and that it is not sufficiently covered in the press establishment.

Flaherty said that race riots are occurring and they are largely ignored.

Political correctness has reached a new high, according to Flaherty, as TV affiliates, newspaper editors and mayors fall all over themselves to avoid attributing race to the attackers, who are, he said, predominantly young black men.

McCaffrey, who teaches history at Atlantic Cape, introduced Flaherty. “The purpose of coming to college is to explore ideas, new ideas, and to think. If we are not making you uncomfortable, we are not making you think. Ask questions,” she said, “and feel free to agree or disagree. That’s how you learn to think.”

Asked about how the speaker got invited, McCaffrey replied, “I heard him on the radio, and I thought that he presented an unheard point of view. I told him that he needed to talk to college students, and he said, ‘Let’s do it.’”

Flaherty’s book, which is a bestseller on Amazon, begins: “Racial violence is back. In hundreds of episodes across the country since 2010, groups of black people are roaming the streets of America, intimidating, stalking, vandalizing, stealing, shooting, stabbing, raping, and killing. 

“But the local media and public officials are largely silent about the problem.

Crime is color-blind, says a Milwaukee police chief. Race is not important, a Chicago newspaper editor assures us. That denies the obvious. America is the most race-conscious society in the world. … We talk about everything black except black mob violence and lawlessness. That is taboo. And the result is that few know about it. Fewer still are talking about it. Today it is at epidemic levels in almost every city in the country.”

“Unbelievable racial violence is the first problem. Denying it is the second,” Flaherty told the gathered students.

“In South Philadelphia, reported by the Philly Daily News and City Paper, Asian students were being beaten up by blacks in a black high school in South Philly for five years. The Asians were about 18 percent of the student population, the blacks, 70 percent. The students, after harassment, beatings, attacks to and from school, on the subway, complained to the administration, hosted a march, and the administration gave them a pamphlet telling them how not to aggravate the black students.”

School officials told local networks that the event was in no way racial, Flaherty continued.

“In private, they said that it was the Asian students’ fault. Lots of racism is targeted at immigrants, especially Asians, by young black men,” he said.

The students were also complaining because the administration did nothing to protect them. One video, featuring a black youth, said that the object was not racism, but financial opportunity. The people were helpless, had cell phones, did not speak English well and were not able to retaliate. They were afraid. So they were targeted.

Flaherty also detailed incidents of “knockout,” a game wherein a black mob appears and several members knock over elderly women or men, or a single person, while others beat them. The rest of the assembly stands by and cheers.

Flaherty said he addresses the problem like an old-fashioned newspaper reporter. He doesn’t ask why, he doesn’t comment on the causes, he just states the facts. He doesn’t care why it is happening, he cares that it is happening, and he thinks that truth is better than fiction. “And if it is happening, it ought to be covered,” he said.

In his book, Flaherty delineated a list of 90 cities under attack. Beginning with Atlantic City, the narrative continues across the country, including anecdote after anecdote, which includes Miami Beach ‘black beach parties,’ and college campus riots in Philadelphia and in the Midwest.

Closer to Cape May County, Flaherty reported many cases of black-on-white violence in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Washington, D.C. and New York.

He talked about liberals who want to give reasons for the behavior but who fail to recognize it for what it is. He mentioned newspapers calling attackers ‘youths,’ but never presenting their color. He talked about the newspapers minimizing the situation.

At one point during the talk at Atlantic Cape, a voice from the audience shouted, “Are you a racist?” That was Leon Hart, a black man.

“No, I’m just giving you the facts,” Flaherty replied.

Discussing Ferguson, Mo., Flaherty said that NBC reported, “The protests at Ferguson have been largely peaceful.” However, the police in the area had purchased $172,669 worth of tear gas, grenades, and other body armor. Demonstrations, he said, were violent, rampant with Molotov cocktails, gunfire, and residents were beaten.

Flaherty said the event was documented with videos, 911 calls, police reports.

He said that the reason a lot of black violence goes unreported is fear. In Philadelphia, he said, there are 2,500 cases of intimidation on the books.

People were attacked in their homes, police went and broke it up, the attackers left, and then went back and threatened destruction if anyone spoke about it.

Flaherty went on to describe “polar bear hunting,” where blacks get together and beat up whites. It occurs, he said, at “a lot at colleges, like the University of Illinois. It’s always a lot worse than what I describe. Every story I do, people come up to me and say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s been happening around here, too.’”


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