Friday, November 28, 2014

Documents: Obama Administration Explicitly Targeting Fox News


Although it has been overshadowed recently by other scandals, Obama has not been able to escape backlash from Operation Fast and Furious, the gun-walking scheme which deliberately allowed firearms to cross the southern border and fall into the hands of Mexican cartels. After a fervent attempt to cover-up any and all evidence, a federal judge ordered the Obama Administration to release thousands of pages of documents dealing with the operation.

Among the disconcerting material contained in the newly released documents, is evidence that the administration has deliberately been trying to take down Fox News. As the top news network, and the only one which consistently holds Obama accountable for his actions, they were the biggest threat to the secrecy of the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal.

Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson revealed that the DOJ’s Tracy Schmaler and the White House’s Eric Schultz conspired together to “fix” Fox News. Wounded American Warrior reported that the pair worked together to spin the major media networks, massaging their points and selectively releasing information to certain reporters, in order to garner favorable media coverage. 
Attkisson was a target of Schmaler and Schultz, who sought to silence her in depth reporting on the scandal. Her bosses and colleagues were contacted in an attempt to stop her from exposing the administration’s crimes.
Even after all the attempts made by the Obama Administration to silence Fox News, the network has not backed down. They continue to be the nation’s number one source for relevant, hard-hitting news, despite the fact that Obama wishes they would disappear. This report should be incredibly alarming to any American who values their freedoms. Without freedom of the press, a nation slips further and further towards a dark, communist hole of lies and despair.
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