Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dr. Ben Carson: Govt Is Not A Dictatorship – Shutdown Only Executive Branch


When it comes to the proper response to take in stopping Obama and his dictatorial power grab on amnesty, Dr. Ben Carson says, “Well we certainly need to keep all possibilities open, I wouldn’t rule anything out necessarily.”
He says, “Perhaps the first step might be, maybe they could send the ‘president’ some tutorials on how the government works. Perhaps he really never got an opportunity to find out those kinds of things and also help him to understand that. You know the government is supposed to respond to the needs of the people and conform to the will of the people, not to be a dictator.”
Dr Carson says, “Now in terms of what the Congress can do, I don’t think it has to be a full shutdown of the government, it can be selective. You remember during sequestration how the administration looked for the things that would be most painful to the public and tried to inflict those upon people to make the point that you can’t take away any of the money.”
He continues, “Well, you know two can play at that game and Congress should look at those things that would be most detrimental specifically to the executive branch but not to the general American populace. You know this is a game that can be played by multiple people.”
He agrees with Senator Mike Lee’s assessment of a proper response being based upon the actions of Obama, which have not yet been revealed, and that it is vital to protect the rule of law and the sanctity of the Congress as a coequal branch of government.
He adds, “Courage is what’s needed but also knowledge of what possibilities exist, what your weapons are, and they are multiple and we need to study them carefully and use them judiciously.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


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