Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Iranian Born Valerie Jarrett’s Enemies List Targeting Those Who Don’t “Play Ball” With Obama Regime


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The Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett has been referred to as the “shadow president” and the one who is really in charge at the White House. 

Whether that is true or not, she is arguably the one individual who holds the most influence over Hussein Obama, be it in a strictly advisory capacity or otherwise.

Revelations are now coming to light regarding an enemies list that Jarrett has been keeping, and it doesn’t just target conservatives but liberals and mainstream media members who aren’t performing as required.

“New Republic Magazine,” a liberal leaning publication is quoted by Fox as saying, “Valerie Jarrett is not above keeping a sh** list – or as hers was titled, a “least constructive” list. One progressive activist recalls Jarrett holding the document during a meeting and noticed her own name on it, along with the names of others in the room.”

Washington Times columnist Charlie Hurt was on the enemies list, describes how he got there by writing a column in 2008 which, in his view, “was not negative in any way, it just simply laid out the state of play after one of the debates.” He said his phone started ringing the next day; that he got dressed down for several hour during the day and wound up kicked off of the campaign plane.

The New Republic piece is quoted again, saying of Jarrett, “She went to whatever meeting she wanted to go to — basically all of them – and then would go and whisper to the president…People don’t trust the process. They think she’s a spy.”

Hurt says people are terrified. While acknowledging that every administration tries to manipulate the press and gain some type of advantage. He says this administration goes “steps beyond anything we’ve ever seen.” He says he’s talked to old veterans who go all the way back to Nixon, who say they’ve never seen anything like this.

Hurt talks of reporters being smeared and of the computer hacking against Sharyl Attkisson of CBS in which someone actually went into and search as well as remotely controlled her files.

Martha McCallum asks if he thinks Obama might try to move Jarrett out to pasture as has been done in other administration with members of their staff at year six. Hurt doesn’t see it happening, characterizing Jarrett as being above any chief of staff or the vice-president. He says he’d be surprised if Obama moved her, that she is incredibly valuable to him and that “she is very much a part of how he operates every day.” He adds that Obama “would probably be more lost without her than pretty much any other figure in the White House, and that’s why you see the sort of terrifying shadow that she casts, especially among the press.”

It sounds almost as if she’s controlling him, and as lost as he obviously is, that could be one logical explanation. He’s obediently waiting for his orders.


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