Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sheeesh – The Braintrust Behind “Anonymous Operation Ferguson” Is A Guy In Pakistan…


If a butterfly flaps its wings on the shoulder of a Middle East wallflower, will Ferguson feel the breeze?

Apparently so.  This would be funny if it were not so pathetic.
The grievances expressed by Ferguson agitators bear more than a cursory similarity to the Palestinian/Hamas Islamists and their grievances – they are of spawned from the same origin, the Mid East in general, and for Ferguson Missouri, specifically a guy in Pakistan .
HatTip Tempest:  The Twitter Username (“Anonymous”) @OpFerguson is the originator of the website  The website is attached to an email address   That email is owned by a well groomed millennial in Pakistan named Arslan Khan.
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arslan Khan 4
If you put a modern day Bill Ayers ideology together with the social media acumen of Mark Zuckerburg, and then mixed in some Mid-East Lil Wayne rap music you might end up with a kid in Pakistan, with a facebook page and access to the internet, able to convince young thugs in Ferguson Missouri to rise up in defense of Islam under the auspices of Justice for Mike Brown….
…..or something equally bizarre.
However, ridiculous this seems, it is indeed what’s taking place.
Meanwhile CNN waits desperately for the looting and riots to start again so they can find all their missing viewers.
arslan khan 2
Meet Arslan Khan (Facebook Page Here) who lives in Pakistan and operates the web page Anonymous Operation Ferguson.
arslan khanA dapper looking albeit metrosexual fella who -if you review his social media- appears to like motorcycles, video games of simulated warfare, and blonde sexy western women.
{{bow chicka wow wow}}
It must be difficult to live in Pakistan with internet access and see all of that, well, freedom stuff all over that you can’t participate in.
He would be a typical millennial kid if it were not for him choosing to engage in social media platforms to express his political beliefs and influence outcomes that are not available within his own home country.   Perhaps his Mom and Dad don’t know what he’s doing in the basement.
Here’s one of those creepy and ever popular Anonymous video’s he’s hosting to show his grievance credibility:
If it were not for the consequences of this kid influencing a bunch of idiotic thugs in and around Saint Louis the entire situation would be laughable. Unfortunately, it’s not.
However, it does lend to a greater understanding of why the overall Muslim sensibilities seem to rise to the surface within most of the Ferguson issues.

Not enough problems in their own country to focus on apparently.

arslan Khan - anonymousSo, OpFerguson is Arslan Khan
OpFerguson is Muslim
OpFerguson is in Pakistan, and
OpFerguson is provoking Ferguson.
#OpFerguson is also planning to do aDDOS on all the St Louis law enforcement sites. They also monitor the st louis police members boards.
Go figure….


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